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Development of fiber-substituted adenovirus vectors containing foreign peptides in the adenovirus serotype 35 fiber knob

Matsui H., Sakurai F., Kurachi S., Tashiro K., Sugio K., Kawabata K., Yamanishi K., Mizuguchi H.

Gene Ther., 16, 1050-1057 (2009)


Efficient adipocyte and osteoblast differentiation from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells by adenoviral transduction

Tashiro K., Inamura M., Kawabata K., Sakurai F., Yamanishi K., Hayakawa T., Mizuguchi H.

Stem Cells, 27, 102-1811 (2009)


Systemic administration of a PEGylated adenovirus vector with a cancer-specific promoter is effective in a mouse model of metastasis

Yao X., Yoshioka Y., Morishige T., Eto Y., Watanabe H., Okada Y., Mizuguchi H., Mukai Y., Okada N., Nakagawa S.

Gene Ther., 16, 1395-404 (2009)


A simple biological imaging system for detecting viable human circulating tumor cells

Kojima T., Hashimoto Y., Watanabe Y., Kagawa S., Uno F., Kuroda S., Tazawa H., Kyo S., Mizuguchi H., Urata Y., Tanaka N., Fujiwara T.

J. Clin. Invest., 119, 3172-3181 (2009)


Intratracheal delivery of CX3CL1-expressing mesenchymal stem cells to multiple lung tumors

Xin H., Sun R., Kanehira M., Takahata T., Itoh J., Mizuguchi H., Saijo Y.

Mol. Med., 15, 321-327 (2009)


Improved gene transfer into renal carcinoma cells using adenovirus vector containing RGD motif

Terao S., Acharya B., Suzuki T., Aoi T., Naoe M., Hamada K., Mizuguchi H., Gotoh A.

Anticancer Res., 29, 2997-3001 (2009)


Transduction of adenovirus vectors modified with cell penetrating peptides

Eto Y., Yoshioka Y., Asavatanabodee R., Kida S., Maeda M., Mukai Y., Mizuguchi H., Kawasaki K., Okada N., Nakagawa S.

Peptides, 30, 1548-1552 (2009)


Ephrin A2 receptor targeting does not increase adenoviral pancreatic cancer transduction in vivo

Van Geer M.A., Bakker C.T., Koizumi N., Mizuguchi H., Wesseling J.G., Oude Elferink R.P.J., Bosma P.J.

World J. Gastroenterol., 15, 2754-2762 (2009)


Telomerase-Specific Virotheranostics for Human Head and Neck Cancer

Kurihara Y., Watanabe Y., Onimatsu H., Kojima T., Shirota T., Hatori M., Liu D., Kyo S., Mizuguchi H., Urata Y., Shintani S., Fujiwara T.

Clin. Cancer Res., 15, 2335-2343 (2009)


Adenovirus serotype 35 vector-mediated transduction following direct administration into organs of nonhuman primates

Sakurai F., Nakamura S-I., Akitomo K., Shibata H., Terao K., Kawabata K., Hayakawa T., Mizuguchi H.

Gene Ther., 16, 297-302 (2009)


Efficient osteoblast differentiation from mouse bone marrow stromal cells with polylysin-modified adenovirus vectors

Tashiro K., Kondo A., Kawabata K., Sakurai H., Sakurai F., Yamanishi K., Hayakawa T., Mizuguchi H.

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 379, 127-132 (2009)


Designed recombinant adenovirus type 5 vector induced env-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes and cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1

Ura T., Yoshida A., Xin K-Q., Yoshizaki S., Yashima S., Abe S, Mizuguchi H., Okuda K.

J. Gene Med., 11, 139-149 (2009)


Adenovirus type 5 with modified hexons induces robust transgene-specific immune responses in mice with pre-existing immunity against adenovirus type 5

Abe S., Okuda K., Ura T., Kondo A., Yoshida A., Yoshizaki S., Mizuguchi H., Klinman D., Shimada M.

J. Gene Med., 11, 570-579 (2009)


Suppressive effects of sugar-modified cationic liposome/NF-κB decoy complexes on adenovirus vector-induced innate immune responses

Huang H., Sakurai F., Higuchi Y., Kawakami S., Hashida M., Kawabata K., Hayakawa T., Mizuguchi H.

J. Control. Release, 133, 139-145 (2009)


NK cells are migrated and indispensable in the anti-tumor activity induced by CCL27 gene therapy

Gao J-Q., Tsuda Y., Han M., Xu D-H., Kanagawa N., Hatanaka Y., Tani Y., Mizuguchi H., Tsutsumi Y., Mayumi T., Okada N., Nakagawa S.

Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 58, 291-299 (2009)


Effect of therapeutic immunization using Ad5/35 and MVA vectors on SIV-infection of rhesus monkeys undergoing anti-retroviral therapy

Shimada M, Wang H-B., Ino A., Xu X-P., Yoshida A., Shinoda K., Ura T., Mizuguchi H., Klinman D., Luo J-L., Bai H., Okuda K.

Gene Ther., 16, 218-228 (2009)




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大阪大学大学院 薬学研究科 分子生物学分野 

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Copyright© Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University

directed by Prof. Hiroyuki Mizuguchi

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